A Real. Deep. Faith. requires deep roots and healthy fruit.
But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8
As followers of Christ, we establish and grow deep roots through Bible study and spiritual growth.
Bible Study
Bible study includes bible studies (in small groups, online, etc.,) personal devotions, reading books about the Bible, and much more. I’m a proponent of taking the #longwaythru: one book, one chapter per day, five days a week. But in addition to this type of study, we also need biblical literacy as Christ-followers.
What is biblical literacy? It’s the process of knowing what is between the covers of our Bibles. It’s knowledge AND practical application of the Word. We can’t share it effectively if we don’t know what it is or what it says. We also stand on much more solid ground with skeptics and seekers if we know what we are talking about.
Now, don’t get scared because this doesn’t need to be hard. We just need a little direction in this area so that we can effectively share our faith with others.
I want you to know your Bible, what’s in it, and why it’s important. So, I aim to teach and promote biblical literacy to families everywhere.
Spiritual Growth
I’m also big on spiritual growth, or what I like to call spiritual praxis. Some people call them spiritual disciplines.
Praxis n.
Action, practice: such an exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill
These are part of the framework for our faith. They are not the doctrinal foundation but more like the windows, doors, and furnishing of our Christian life.
There are different opinions on how many praxes there are but I am partial to ten:
- Bible study
- Prayer
- Fasting
- Worship
- Fellowship
- Giving
- Service
- Confession
- Disciple-making
- Rest
I believe practicing these ten praxes can help all Christians, regardless of age, produce sweet, healthy fruit in their lives. And that’s the goal, deep roots and healthy fruit.
Some of these praxes may come easier to us than others but all are beneficial to us and will allow us to grow spiritually.
To help families establish deep roots and healthy fruit I’ve created the SEED Project. You can start anytime and it’s FREE.
Sign up HERE.
The Persecuted Church
Finally, I have a heart for the persecuted church. I have dedicated myself to being a resource for anyone who is interested in praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. You and I will probably never travel to these countries, but we can pray because for some of them being a follower of Christ is a life and death matter.. We can pray every day and I am committed to helping you by providing information, requests, and biblical encouragement.
If you are interested in these things too, please join me by reading the posts with these labels.
Here’s a post to get you started: Praying For The Persecuted Church
Print this prayer card to help you remember the persecuted church.
- Put one in your car.
- Tape one to your bathroom mirror.
- Put it next to your computer.

A simple prayer like this will connect you not only to our Father in heaven but to the millions of brothers and sisters in Christ we have around the world.
PRAY on!